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bretch hill


In 2018, the PCC began discussing the possibility of a church plant that would both serve the community on the Bretch Hill Estate, and create additional space for the church at Warwick Road to grow in number. In 2022, PCC unanimously agreed to work towards a church plant and to appoint an Associate Minister to plan for and lead the new congregation.

1. What is a ‘church plant’?

The word translated as ‘church’ in the New Testament refers to people, not buildings; so the Church is not the building we meet in … but God’s people. So a ‘church plant’ is a group of Christians – part of Jesus’ Church – deciding to meet together in a particular place to do what Jesus commanded: to tell everyone in the community about the Lord Jesus and his offer of eternal life, calling them to repent and be baptised. 

Jesus said in Matthew 28: 18 – 20: ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’

2. Why a Church Plant?

By planning a new congregation on the estate, we pray that under God’s guiding and through the work of the Holy Spirit changing hearts, more people will come to know and love Jesus. In summary, we plan to plant an entirely new church congregation on the Bretch Hill estate, in obedience to Jesus’ command and out of love for all the people living there, because we want them to clearly hear the good news of the new life offered to them in the Lord Jesus. 

3. How will we do it?

The congregation of Warwick Road will be a ‘sending congregation’ … sending some of the church family who sense God is calling them to serve in the new plant; they will be a ‘sent congregation.’
sent and sending
In this way, whilst being separate congregations, both St. Paul’s Warwick Road and St. Paul’s Bretch Hill will be partners in the gospel: working together to proclaim the good news to everyone in our parish, for the glory of God and the growth his kingdom. This will be a big change… … and also a big opportunity!

4. What now?

Firstly, please continue to pray.

Secondly, now (September - October 2024) is the time to let Steve Short know which congregation you believe the Lord is calling you to serve - especially if you're planning to come to the new plant on Bretch Hill.  We believe that the Lord is calling people to both Warwick Road and Bretch Hill, and now is the time we need to find out who will be coming to Bretch Hill, so that we can get detailed plans into action. 


  • September – December 2024: Regular monthly updates on progress and plans will continue, and regular information sharing to fuel our prayers.
  • January 2025 Commissioning Service … followed by the launch of St. Paul’s Bretch Hill! 

Planning your Visit

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